What typically happens at a consultation?
Osteopaths aim to treat the cause of any problem not just the symptoms, so emphasis is placed on building a deep understanding. A case history is taken to start this process with the focus then moving onto a physical assessment.
Osteopaths are taught and develop a very keen sense of what is normal function and scan the patient’s body looking for deviations to normal function by observation and palpitation, for here normally lies the answer to understand what tissue is causing symptoms and why. Once the osteopath is confident of a full explanation, and a diagnosis formed, a plan of treatment is developed and discussed with the patient. Treatment follows, calling on a wide range of techniques chosen to suit the individual.
Techniques range from gentle manipulation, rhythmic stretching and massage to very gentle cranio-sacral work, using the lightest of touch. All the way through any session the emphasis is on comprehension, and bringing about positive change in a safe and supportive atmosphere.

Is osteopathy recognised?
Osteopathy has been the first of the complementary therapies to be officially recognised, which puts it on the same footing as dentists and opticians. This Statutory Recognition accorded by the 1993 Osteopaths Act reflects the esteem in which the profession is regarded. This means that every osteopath has to be able to demonstrate competent and safe practice to an accepted level. This is backed up by several colleges affiliated to universities offering four year courses leading to a BSc OST.
Are sick notes available?
One of the benefits of official recognition means that as a Registered Osteopath I am authorised to issue incapacity certificates.
Is osteopathy treatment covered by health plans?
Official recognition is reflected by the acceptance of osteopathy by most major health insurers, sometimes a GP or consultant referral is required. A small number of osteopaths are acceptable to both BUPA and PPP, happily I am accredited with both.